Everyone loves having a beautiful smile with bright white teeth. Whether you have a date coming up, a potential job interview, and family photos coming up or just want to improve your appearance, a bright smile filled with shiny white teeth will just make you feel better all the way around. With BriteSmile, white teeth can be yours quickly and easily. In fact, you’ll be amazed at how much brighter your teeth will be in just one hour with BriteSmile.
BriteSmile is made with a revolutionary technology that’s the latest in the industry, making it easier and faster than ever before. When compared to other dental whitening treatments such as whitening strips, whitening gels, laser whitening, whitening toothpastes, trays, etc., customers that have used BriteSmile claim it’s the best one around. According to clinical studies, BriteSmile is a professional system of teeth bleaching that will give you teeth up to 9 shades whiter than other systems. In addition, the whitening lasts for years.
Many people with sensitive mouths and teeth experience pain and discomfort from teeth whitening products. However, because BriteSmile only uses 15% to 25% peroxide and it’s only used for an hour, sensitivity is usually not a problem. The whitening gel used in BriteSmile is activated with a blue light (completely safe), which speeds up the teeth whitening process. In just one hour you’ll notice a difference in the shade of your teeth.
As with most products, you’ll find good reviews as well as negative and such is the case with BriteSmile. While some customers claimed they were extremely pleased with the results they achieved with BriteSmile, others found they got very little results and had totally wasted their money.
One major problem that some users experienced was tenderness in the gums. While they said the pain was not unbearable, their gums turned an unattractive shade of gray. They were not pleased with this effect at all.
Other complaints customers have had is that instead of the whitening lasting for years like advertised, it began to fade after a couple days and they did not wish to go through the entire process again so quickly and deal with sore and discolored gums. Even though BriteSmile does have many happy customers, you need to be aware that if your teeth are discolored from years of coffee stains or smoking, BriteSmile may not work.
Looks good, but 12 hours of excrutiating pain. This hurt worse than my root canal, broken risk, and even shoulder surgery. Just random shooting pain all over for 12 hours.