Nu Radiance offers their clients three different types of whitening gel. They offer packages that they call Classic, Duet and Forte which are all great but slightly differ from one another.
Nu Radiance Classic comes with the conventional carbamide peroxide teeth whining gel. It comes in 3 different strengths – 10%, 16% and 22%. It promises you great results, neutral pH and no fade-back. You will see your results quickly and enjoy them for longer. The Kit contains whitening gel syringes with a precise application tip, bleaching trays, and a storage case. The application is very simple. As with most teeth whitening systems, you are instructed to brush your teeth and then pat them down with a dry tissue. Apply just a little bit of gel in the part of the mouthpiece that will be in direct contact with your teeth. Insert the application tray into your mouth. The wear time is different for every client. It can range from 30 minutes twice a day, to 4 hours just once a week.
Nu Radiance Duet instructions are just like that of the Classic kit. Except the Duet offers their customers a dual barrel syringe that activates the carbamide peroxide gel. This product is promised to be fast acting and absolutely pain free. The sensitivity free formula is created to hydrate teeth with water to prevent the loss of fluid from the dentin which is what causes increased sensitivity. The treatment lasts 30 minutes.
Nu Radiance Forte is a slightly different whitening system than the usual teeth whitening systems. It still works with the use of whitening gel and mouth trays but there is a new formula used. The blend of carbamide peroxide and calcium peroxide prove to be very fast acting combination and the release of free calcium restores enamel lustre and prevents sensitivity.
Nu Radiance is an amazing product for those who suffer from very sensitive teeth. The whitening gels are offered in a variety of concentrations, from minimal to the extra strength. The treatment is fast and effective. The syringes are precise and help avoid any mess. Prep time is very limited.